Del 15 al 17 de julio. Alumnos de secundaria participaron en el 7ma edición del SMMUN.
Our school has participated in the Seventh Edition of the SMMUN – Santa Maria Model United Nations held on July 15th – 17th The Lima High School delegation was conformed by students from 1st to 5th secondary level.
We want to mention two of our delegates:
Keren Janice Rose Romero Valer who got a verbal commendation debating in the UNEP – United Nations Environmental Programme debating on the topic Marine Life and Ocean Pollution representing Egypt
Leandro Guevara Neyra who was awarded as an Outstanding Delegate performing Bill Wesley in the Crisis Committee.
Congratulations to all the delegates who participated in this MUN! It was an excellent opportunity to develop and improve language and soft skills as well.